Monthly Archives: March 2012

Legislature Legislature Legislature

So, to my surprise this morning, I woke up and it was March! In addition, there is now only one week left in the Utah State Legislative Session, for which I am thankful.

So here are some observations I have had about this particular State Legislature (since I came into it having only taken political science classes and listening to NPR and reading the New York TImes and listening to my Dad talk about the news).

Yes, there are some legislators and lobbyists who are kind of unpleasant and don’t really care about the 99%, but there are definitely some who do. And they are really wonderful.

The people who work at the Capitol make my day. Interns, maintenance people, the security guys in the green coats who pass in notes to the legislators, cafeteria workers. Seriously the best group of people.

Standing waiting for legislators to come from the House/Senate floor to talk to you is really dull, but great for getting to know the people around you.

People have some goofy ties! Loony Toons, polka dot, musical instruments. Fun to keep an eye out for!

The cafeteria food really is not bad.

The rush of adrenaline running from seeing a bill you’ve been working on come up on the board and rushing to get your coworkers and sprinting up the stairs to the gallery to watch it is only matched by the sigh of annoyance when said bill is tabled and not going to be voted on then, rendering the rush of adrenaline rather pointless.

More to come at the end of the session which ends a week from today!


Posted by on March 1, 2012 in Uncategorized