Monthly Archives: April 2013

Plans and Such

Hello folks! How have y’all been since October? I have been good! It is finally starting to thaw out here in the frozen wildernesses of the north. I know I have quoted this before, and I will certainly quote it again (and embellish it quite a lot) but in the month of January, we had more snow than in 17 years and it was the coldest January in 63 years. If I recall correctly, it got down to about 3 degrees. Brrrr. It also snowed a bit yesterday and the day before. I do not approve!


Anyhoo, next year I will be attending Wesley Theological Seminary in DC to get my Masters of Theological Studies with a focus on missional studies and then hopefully get plugged in to the Methodist nonprofit universe and, you know, work. Unless, of course, I get sucked in to an alternate reality and marry the Earl of Grantham, move to England and live at Downton Abbey. I could go for that, too! Of course, one never quite knows. I was chatting with my friend earlier this week about what Freshman-Year-of-College Marjorie would have said if she had known she would be going to seminary in DC in a few short years. I seem to recall freshman year Marjorie had vague plans about either being a lawyer (I’m not entirely sure why) or a History professor (I think I just wanted to wander around college campuses and be eccentric and wear tweed). Good news Freshman-Year Marjorie! You can totally be eccentric! I know you will be thrilled about that! 

I am definitely looking forward to the next couple of years and living in such an exciting place. And learning more about the Bible and Jesus and all that fun stuff. But dad gum! It is so weird that I will be leaving Salt Lake City in July! How has it been so long? But I suppose it is as odd as snow in mid-April….

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Posted by on April 18, 2013 in Uncategorized